Note: This information was revised and updated March 2013.

The ladies of the St. Peter's Cathedral Altar Guild are a dedicated and hard working group of ladies. The cycle of worship services throughout the year, not just on Sundays, but day by day, keeps these ladies very busy. Day after day they perform such duties as preparing the vestments and communion vessels for the Holy Eucharist, preparing the Altar by changing the frontals and riddel curtains when necessary, tending to all the linens, keeping the vestments and robes of the clergy and altar servers clean, looking after the arrangement of altar flowers, and a host of other duties.

Printed below is the Altar Guild's Annual Report for the Year 2012, as presented at the Parish Annual Meeting in March 2013.


      On March 24, 2012, Altar Guild members met in All Souls' Chapel for Corporate Communion.
      During the year we were saddened to lose one of our members, Carol MacKenzie. She passed away on November 16, 2012, after a lengthy battle with cancer. Carol is greatly missed.
      Again we thank the Inglis Group Ladies and members of the Men's Group for their assistance with brass polishing before Christmas and Easter. Their help is greatly appreciated.
      We are grateful to Betty Robertson and Lynn MacDonald for the lovely flower arrangements they prepare for the altar throughout the year. Anyone wishing to have memorial flowers on the altar, please contact Betty Robertson.
      The Altar Guild has a supply of a number of copies of the Book of Common Prayer. They may be purchased by contacting either Dorothy Acorn or Donalda Winter.

Respectfully submitted,
Donalda Winter, President.


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