Note: This information was first posted here March 2013 and updated January 2017

At St. Peter's Cathedral, we currently have a number of ways of involving young people (children, teens, and young adults) in the life of the Church. We want to stress the involvement of young people as integrated into the total life of the parish.

Young people are involved at St. Peter's Cathedral in a number of ways. Some are involved as Altar servers, or by membership in the Junior Choir, by helping with the Sunday School, by helping with special projects when requested, and by their attendance at and participation in church services. For school age children, there is of course the Sunday School, which meets each Sunday at 10:15 a.m.

Rather than meeting at set intervals, the youth gather together for special events and activities from time to time throughout the year, under the leadership of Edith Rogers, Eric Edward, and the Rector. Sometimes these gatherings are of a social nature, and at other times they may have an educational component, or involve the putting on of a special parish event. For example, each year the young people are responsible for putting on the annual Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday. Another event in recent years has been the annual presentation of the "Way of the Cross" - portrayed and acted out by the young people, on a Friday near the end of Lent. [Unfortunately, for reasons beyond our control, there have been a few years when the young people have not been able to present the "Way of the Cross"].

It is our hope that our young people will be nurtured in their faith and Christian commitment, through their participation in these various activities in the life of our parish.

Note: Pictured above are some young people at a social gathering in a parishioner's home.
Pictured below are some other activities of St. Peter's Cathedral youth, including scenes from the "Way of the Cross" passion play, picture taken at the Pancake Supper, and various other activities in which the youth have been involved.

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