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St. Peter Publications is pleased to offer a range of Christian reading and other material that is orthodox in content, and which is Canadian and Anglican in perspective.

Our wide-ranging variety of literature includes the annual reports and brochures of the Atlantic Theological Conferences, as well as "An Anglican Church Calendar" (based on the Canadian Book of Common Prayer - 1962), and many other booklets & pamphlets, as presented in our detailed Catalogue. From 1984 until the end of 2006, we published "The Anglican Free Press", a quarterly journal, which described itself as 'A Faithful Watchman, Messenger and Steward of the Lord'. The AFP endeavoured to look at the contemporary Church from the orthodox point of view of classical Anglican Christianity, with the intention of being a voice for the renewal of traditional faith in the Canadian Church. In 2005, we partnered with the "Anglican Planet Project" to begin the publication of a new monthly periodical, 'The Anglican Planet'.
        Please note: Some copies of back issues of the Anglican Free Press are available on request, and some articles and editorials from back issues are available here through the AFP link on this website.
        This link contains the Editorial that was printed in the final AFP, as well as the message from the Chairman of the Board of St. Peter Publications.

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Our website also includes publications by Fr. John Pearce, many links to religious sites relating to classical Christianity, the Anglican Way, as well as other perspectives. Thus we hope to uphold and articulate the 'faith once delivered to the saints', proclaiming the undiluted good news of God's love in Jesus Christ our Lord.

St. Peter Publications is also pleased to be an agent for the sale of the three-book series, "Discovering the Book of Common Prayer", written by Sue Careless, and published originally as a project of the Prayer Book Society of Canada.

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National Chairman of the Prayer Book Society of Canada

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Plague, Perseverance, Providence: Adversity and the Christian Response to Adversity

Book Cover, 2022 Conference Book St. Peter Publications is happy to present the Report of the Annual Atlantic Theological Conference, which met June 26-29, 2022 at St. Paul's Church in Sackville, New Brunswick. The title of this Forty-first Conference was Plague, Perseverance, Providence: Adversity and the Christian Response to Adversity. We are grateful to all of our speakers for their labour of love in providing such thoughtful papers for our consideration. To quote some of the helpful words of Father Colin Nicolle's paper: "The message of plagues in Scripture, I think, the message of Exodus, of St. James' Epistle, and even of the rites for the visitation to the sick, is the importance of listening amid our suffering for the presence and guidance of God, that nothing which we may call evil in our lives falls outside of His redemption." Once again, this year, in addition to in person attendance at the conference in Sackville, viewers were able to take in our proceedings online via YouTube link. The papers from this conference continue to be available on the Atlantic Theological Conference YouTube Channel: .  Susan Harris again served as our editor, for which we are thankful, and we are also grateful to Amy Bird for her layout editing for a second year. In addition, our thanks are extended to Father Colin Nicolle, who manages our online presence on the internet, thus helping to extend participation in the conference beyond the physical walls of its location.    177 pages.

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Burning Churches and Sacred Spaces

Book Cover, 2021 Conference Book St. Peter Publications is pleased to present the Report of the Annual Atlantic Theological Conference, which met in June 2021 at St. George's (Round) Church in Halifax after a one-year delay due to a province-wide shutdown in Nova Scotia on account of the COVID pandemic in 2020. The title of this Fortieth Conference was Burning Churches and Sacred Spaces. Because of ongoing restrictions related to the continuing presence of COVID in our community in 2021, we chose to make our proceedings available to viewers online via YouTube link, in addition to having a small number of local people able to attend the conference in person at St. George's. Those of our speakers who live in Nova Scotia were able to offer their papers in person at the church and those who lived outside the province—even just "next door" in New Brunswick—offered their papers online. We wish to thank all of our speakers for their fine papers, including Terry Waite, speaking from England via YouTube link. Other speakers included Dr. Daniel Driver, Dr. Christopher Elson, The Rev'd Dr. Terence Kleven, Dr. Neil Robertson and Susan Harris. A sermon by the late Father Robert Crouse was read during the Conference Eucharist and is included in this volume.    207 pages.

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Upon this Rock: St. Peter in the Scriptures and Christian Tradition, and in the Life of the Church

Book Cover, 2019 Conference Book The 2019 Atlantic Theological Conference was held at St. Peter's Cathedral, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, June 26 - 29. (This was the 39th annual conference). The title of the Conference was "Upon this Rock: St. Peter in the Scriptures and Christian Tradition, and in the Life of the Church". The Conference was scheduled so as to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the founding of St. Peter's Cathedral. The papers presented included "St. Peter in the Scriptures and the Church Fathers", "The Faith of St. Peter in Richard Hooker's Lawes and Sermons", and "That they all may be one: Contributions of the Anglican Churches to Ecumenism". Speakers included Bishop Stephen Andrews, The Rev'd Canon Alyson Barnett-Cowan, and Professor Alan Hall. Bishop Anthony Burton preached a sermon (included in this book) which outlined the story of the founding of St. Peter's Cathedral in 1869, and the ongoing witness of that parish over the years until the present day. It took longer than usual to prepare this report for publication, due to the arrival of the COVID-19 virus and the ensuing worldwide pandemic which made many regular and routine tasks complicated or impossible. In his paper, Bishop Stephen Andrews reminds us that St. Peter "stands at the top of the list of the Eleven in the beginning of the post-resurrection account of the Church and he takes the initiative in setting the terms for the replacement of Judas as one of the Twelve. His authority also covers the area of church discipline..." "…and perhaps most significantly Peter receives direct revelation from God" which guides his ministry.    186 pages.

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Memory: Its Persistence and Loss in Christian Community

Book Cover, 2018 Conference Book The 2018 Atlantic Theological Conference was held at St. Paul's Church, Sackville, New Brunswick. (This was the 38th annual conference). The title of the Conference was "Memory: Its Persistence and Loss in Christian Community". The papers presented by the speakers were interesting and timely and the discussion following the papers was wide-ranging and lively. Papers presented at the conference included "The Role of Memory in St. Augustine's Trinity", "Memory and Christian Living: Recollection and the Book of Common Prayer" and "The Loss of Memory and the Human Person: Caring for our Loved Ones with Dementia". The first speaker, The Rev'd Dr. Terence Kleven, in the opening paper about the Scriptural account of divine and human memory, had this to say: "How does one teach the assent to Christian truths unless we have a liturgy deeply rooted in the importance of memory and a liturgical calendar which infuses every day with patterns of actions and words to be remembered? We are shaped by the words of our Bibles and Prayer Books. Innovation and continual liturgical change will work against memory and perhaps it is intended to do so. We will never know a psalm if we are always saying alternative translations. Scriptural and liturgical texts will have to be in an English that is intellectually rigorous and rhythmic, thought and feeling at once, in order to be learned thoroughly and to sustain us from baptism to burial".    210 pages.

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God Every Day and Everywhere

Book Cover, 2017 Conference Book The 2017 Atlantic Theological Conference was held at the University of King's College, Halifax, N.S. The title of the Conference was "God Every Day and Everywhere", and was held immediately following, and in conjunction with, a conference "Wisdom Belongs to God", sponsored by the Dalhousie Classics Department. Our speakers provided thought-provoking and engaging papers. The discussion following the papers was wide-ranging and lively. Papers presented at the conference included, "Aristotle's living God and its mortal limitations: incipiently Trinitarian?", "Augustine's Trinitarian Cosmos", and "Journalism and Theology: Our Recent Rediscovery of Islam". Near the end of his paper, one of the speakers, Dr. Wayne Hankey, said, "We started our journey by considering the Trinities Augustine explicates. Then, restarting from the bottom, we found the Trinitarian God everywhere and empowering our everyday existences. Our life and that of the cosmos is in God and by God. God is to be discerned, reverenced, and thanked everywhere". 238 pages.

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The Church Visible and Invisible: "The Blessed Company of All Faithful People"

Book Cover, 2016 Conference Book The 2016 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Sackville, New Brunswick, at St. Paul's Anglican Church. (This was the 36th annual conference). The topic was "The Church Visible and Invisible". We are grateful to our speakers for their interesting and thought-provoking papers and for the way in which they developed the theme as the conference progressed. As one of our speakers, Dr Roberta Barker, said, "If we believe with Aquinas that '[b]ecause all believers are one body, the good of one member is communicated to another,' then the 'blessed company of all faithful people' may share alike in the spiritual life of paradise, whether they seek it in pilgrimage on earth or enjoy it fully in the heavenly kingdom."

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"The Outward Sense Befriending": The Beautiful, the True, and the Good

Book Cover, 2015 Conference Book The 2015 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, at St. Peter's Cathedral. (This was the 35th annual conference). The topic was "The Beautiful, the True, and the Good". Our speakers offered interesting and engaging papers and the discussion that followed the papers was particularly lively. As Dr. Anthony Esolen, one of our speakers so beautifully said, " is a grace, a free and freedom-making gift. Beauty in its being-beyond, in its splendid gratuity, directs our eyes and our hearts to the Giver of all good things and the Father of lights. It does so not merely that we may enjoy it, but that we may participate in it; the teacher shows us how to be beautiful ourselves".

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The Meaning of Evil

Book Cover, 2014 Conference Book The 2014 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Halifax at the University of King's College. (This was the 34th annual conference). "The Meaning of Evil" was the challenging theme being addressed in the papers that were presented. Speakers included Rev'd Dr. Brian Spence, Dr. Robert Kennedy, Dr. Matthew Robinson, Dr. Neil Robertson, and Dr. Daniel Brandes. Dr. Spence spoke on "Disobedience and Idolatry: The meaning of evil in the Bible". Dr. Kennedy spoke on "Augustine and the very possibility of evil". Dr. Robinson spoke about "Aquinas' account of the will's freedom in the De malo", Dr. Robertson's topic was "The Evil 'I': The transformation of evil in the Reformation and Enlightenment", and Dr. Brandes' paper was called "Unpunishable and/so Unforgivable: Hannah Arendt on Radical Evil". Other papers were presented as well, and also responses to the papers, all of which gave interesting and thought-provoking insights into this challenging subject.

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The Biblical Job: Comfort, Righteousness, Holiness

Book Cover, 2013 Conference Book The 2013 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Fredericton, New Brunswick. (This was the 33rd annual conference). The topic was "The Biblical Job: Comfort, Righteousness, Holiness". Speakers at the conference included Dr. Thomas Curran, Dr. Neil Robertson, Father Christopher Snook, and The Rev'd Lisa Wang. The Book of Job raises many profound theological questions, which were addressed in the papers presented at this conference. We see the rain fall on the just as well as on the unjust, and we are troubled and wonder how this can happen under God's Providence. In his Response to Father Christopher Snook's paper, The Rev'd Dr. Brian Spence examines some of the important questions raised by a close reading of the Book of Job. He writes: "How can the Book of Job assist us in speaking to our contemporaries about suffering and belief in God? How might it inspire our pastoral practice? And finally, what kind of Christian faith and practice is meant to emerge from a decidedly Christian way of reading this book, as part of the Hebrew and Christian canons of the Bible?"

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"The New Atheism"

Book Cover, 2012 Conference Book The 2012 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. (This was the 32nd annual conference). The topic was "The New Atheism". We hope that the papers presented at the conference and found in this volume will prove to be helpful in our understanding of Scripture, as well as providing a useful response to the arguments and assertions of the New Atheists. As Dr. Gary Thorne says in his paper: "The New Atheists challenge us to see the importance of our modern view of Scripture. Generally speaking, we have lost the hermeneutic that allows the Scripture to speak to us of the supernatural, and to transform our lives. We read the Bible in a one-dimensional, naturalistic and scientific way that either makes us Fundamentalists or causes us to reject the Bible as outdated and inadequate."

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"Recognizing the Sacred in the Modern Secular": How the sacred is to be discovered in today's world

Book Cover, 2011 Conference Book The 2011 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The topic was "Recognizing the Sacred in the Modern Secular". This is a topic which should be of interest to Christians of the present day. The papers presented at the Conference and printed in this book include the following topics: "The Emergence of Modern Ascetism and Contemporary Christian Community", "The Sacred in Narrative and Fiction", "Challenges to Belief in the 21st Century", "Visio: The Method of Robert Crouse's Philosophical Theology", "Paradise Abides - Robert Crouse and the Preaching of the Sacred in the Modern Secular". This volume is dedicated to the memory of the late Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse.

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"Knit together in one communion": Anglican Identity and the Challenge of Diversity

Book Cover, 2010 Conference Book The 2010 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Moncton, New Brunswick. The topic was "Anglican Identity and the Challenge of Diversity". We hope that the papers presented at this conference will provide Anglicans with helpful background for grappling with some of the questions facing us within Anglicanism in our current day. The papers presented include the following topics: "Anglican Identity; A Retrospective Glance", "The Anglican Instruments of Communion: a Theological Approach", "Matters Essential and Indifferent in Sixteenth Century English Theology", "Let us thus think of the Trinity: Matters Essential and Matters Indifferent in Seventeenth Century English Theology", "Word and Books: A Discussion of the Importance of Education to Unity in Doctrine" and "The Prayer Book as Matrix of Unity".

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Changing our Mind on Secularization: The Contemporary debate about sacred and secular in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Book Cover, 2009 Conference Book The 2009 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The topic was "Changing our Mind on Secularization". This conference explored the topic of the contemporary debate about sacred and secular in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The book includes all the papers that were presented at the conference, including papers by Dr. Wayne Hankey, The Rev'd Dr. Gary Thorne, Dr. Peter O'Brien, The Rev'd Dr. Thomas Curran, Mr. Peter Bryson, Dr. Alexander Treiger, Dr. Bruce Gordon, and Dr. Eli Diamond. 208 pages.

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Christian Psychology: The Formation of Souls

Book Cover, 2008 Conference Book The topic of the 2008 Atlantic Theological Conference held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, was "Christian Psychology: The Formation of Souls". The thought-provoking papers given at that conference and included in this volume are offered in thanksgiving for the seminal and ongoing contribution to these conferences of The Rev'd Dr. Robert Crouse. His papers, and also his presence, have provided an abiding inspiration and encouragement to those in attendance over the years. Here we let him speak for himself: "Paradise is only possible if the soul is 'transhumanized'... only if the intellect is enabled by faith to fix its vision upon the eternal Good; only if the will is strengthened by hope to pursue that Good; only if the powers of the soul are united in that eternal Charity, that divine 'amor' which moves the sun and the other stars." (page 120 of this volume).

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Justification and Sanctification

Book Cover, 2007 Conference Book The papers delivered at the 27th Annual Atlantic Theological Conference are contained in this book. The conference was held in Fredericton, New Brunswick, in May of 2007. The book includes papers presented by The Rev' Dr. Robert Crouse, Dr. Anthony Esolen, The Rev'd Dr. Roger Beckwith, Dr. Paul Epstein, and The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon. At the conference, these five speakers addressed the subject of Justification and Sanctification, exploring the topic from a number of perspectives. The papers presented include "Justification and Sanctification in the Thought of St. Paul and St. Augustine", "Sanctification in Dante's Purgatorio", "A Reformation Account of Justification and Sanctification" and "Justification by Faith and Dynamic Equivalency: Pauline doctrine and the contemporary church". Within the opening pages of his paper, Dr. Robert Crouse poses questions with which the ensuing papers all in one way or another grapple:
         "Are we justified simply by God's merciful decree, in view of the infinite merit of Christ's sacrifice, or does our justification also imply some working of righteousness in our souls, whereby we freely co-operate in God's work for our salvation? In other words, is God's gift of justification simply declarative, or is it also creative? Is God's righteousness simply imparted to us for Christ's sake, or is his righteousness in some way imparted to us as we live in Christ? Are we merely accounted just, or are we actually made just? And are those really alternatives?" (page 1)
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Reform and Renewal in Contemporary Christianity (The 2006 Conference Book)

Christian Friendship (The 2005 Conference Book)

Multiculturalism and Religious Freedom (The 2004 Conference Book)

Iconography: The Use of Art in Christian Worship (The 2003 Conference Book)

Providence: The Will of God in Human Affairs (The 2002 Conference Book)

The Journey Home (The 2001 Conference Book)

Click this link for information about all sessions of the Atlantic Theological Conference from 1981 to the present

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